Pete Feigenbaum, guitarist for Dino Walrus (and onetime guitarist for Titus Andronicus) has made amazing model railroad scenery of rundown urban locations. Seems like the majority of them are invented and not actual places. Here’s a sample:
It’s been a long time since I’ve posted, and I thought you were all due for an update. It’s been so long, in fact, that all of the songs on this site have changed since the last time I posted. Yesterday night I posted a song called “The Life We Lead” and, sometime last week, I posted two new songs: “Searching” and “Neon Child.” Other than that? Oh, we went to the record sale last sunday, I picked myself up a copy of T. Rex’s “Beard of Stars.” I’ve never seen an original copy of that, so I was quite excited to find it. And what else? Some Adam Ant, some Guns’n’Roses, that Ian McColloch record that Steve (from the 8mm Fuzz) used to like so much. Quite a successful day of shopping, all told.
Last night, we went to a benefit for Jeff Toste, our local green party candidate. Mahi Mahi played. The opening acts were Cathy Cathodic and Nicky Click. Nicky was great. I’d never seen her before: fun and inspiring.
What a thing to wake up to! It seems has featured Manwomanchild on their front page. You can get the same tracks there that you can get here. (And you can vote.)